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9: Improving Cognition, Social Skills, and Speech after a Brain Injury with Speech-Language Pathologist Mayya Teytel-Cocozza

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Episode Summary:

In episode 9 of Brightway Answers, we interview Speech-Language Pathologist Mayya Teytel-Cocozza with questions submitted by brain injury survivors and caregivers.

In this episode, Mayya answers questions like:
- How do speech-language pathologists help brain injury survivors with cognition, social skills, and speech?
- What online or other type of therapy that can be done at home do you recommend to stimulate memory and speech?
- How can I work on apraxia?

Mayya Teytel-Cocozza is a New York State Licensed and ASHA Certified Speech-Language Pathologist. Mayya is a certified brain injury specialist trainer, and demonstrates clinical concentrations in the areas of neurogenic disorders. Mayya is currently working as an Adjunct Professor and Clinical Educator within the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at Long Island University's Brooklyn Campus, where she teaches classes in neurogenic and communication disorders and provides clinical education and supervision to graduate students.

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Here is a list of resources mentioned in this episode:

- WALC Books: WALC 2, WALC 3, WALC 7, WALC 9
- Apps: Tactus Therapy, Brain HQ, Constant Therapy, Lumosity
- Instagram Accounts to follow: @lifebeyondbraininjury, @brainhealthsummit, @thestrokestoryteller, and @thebrainpossible

Full Interview Text:

Coming soon!

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